Leopards of the Magical Dawn: Science and the Cosmological Foundations of Igbo Culture


» » » » » » » » Leopards of the Magical Dawn: Science and the Cosmological Foundations of Igbo Culture

The Igbo people and their unique culture represents a mercurial bridge of time, with potentials of linking the contemporary mind to the mystic realms from whence original knowledge can be profoundly grasped and brought down to earth for practical applications of many vital interests. In this work, Nwafor, a reincarnated Eze Dibia of Ururo-Umunze descent, distills the knowledge, wisdom and experiences of nine life-times of intense spiritual work, culminating in a unique exegesis of Igbo reality and cultural phenomenon. Leopards of the Magical Dawn _Science and the Cosmological Foundations of Igbo Culture_


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